
Lothian and Borders Branch is committed to continual learning and will strive to run courses for member bands as long as there is interest.

'Outreach' Education Programme Planned

As intimated at the Branch AGM in November, we would like to promote the Association's development of the 'Outreach' education programme within the Branch. This approach will enable individual bands to run the SQA accredited courses in the band environment rather than requiring members to attending separate education courses.

The benefit to the individual bands is clear to see in both a reduction in cost to its members to achieve this accredited qualification, but also in developing a level of consistency in approach across the band.

The intention is to train band instructors to deliver the syllabus and qualified RSPBA Instructors will visit branches wishing to run the courses to discuss the syllabus and course lessons with interested bands to ensure that all courses are run properly. The cost of these courses may be split between the association, branches and the bands in order to keep the cost to a minimum for individuals.

The first step in this process it to have interested parties attend the January branch meeting to hear more about the programme and to ask any questions that you may have. Please contact us if you are interested in attending the meeting

The Branch meeting is on Sunday 26th January at 18:00 in the Bellsquarry Hall, Bellsquarry, West Lothian, EH54 9AA.

Once this branch meeting has been held and we can see which parties are interested more details will become available

Branch Dates

26 January 25Branch Meeting
23 February 25Branch Meeting
30 March 24Branch Meeting
27 April 24Branch Meeting

Contact Us

For all competition entries and registrations please contact branch secretary Susan Starr

Address:4b Chester Square
 EH22 5DN
Telephone:07527 949 301

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