AGM Cover Letter

Posted on 18th October 2016 by John Hughes | Chairman

Dear Band Secretary,

This is confirmation that the date for the 2016 Lothian & Borders Branch Annual General Meeting has been set for Sunday 27th November 2016 at 3.00pm and will be held at:

Bellsquary Hall
EH54 9AA

I have enclosed a link here to the AGM Pack for your band.

This year the Branch have moved to an Online registration & payment process similar to that used by Headquarters. If any of the Band details on the system are incorrect, then please direct any changes to RSPBA Headquarters.

The link to take you to the online registration and payment process is:

Fees for 2016/2017 will be as follows: If paid before the AGM: Adult Bands £70.00, Novice & Juvenile £50.00, inclusive of Branch Education Fee

If paid after the AGM: Adult Bands will be £90.00, Novice & Juvenile will be £70.00, inclusive of Branch Education Fee.

We will also be moving to an online registration & payment for the Branch contests, and this will be available at the beginning of 2017 in the same location.

May I remind you that the Branch meetings are your chance to air your views. The elected committee are there to serve the Branch bands it is up to you to attend meetings and let us know what you want. The first Branch meeting of the season follows the AGM and will start at 5pm and will usually finish by 6pm. We hope that you will be able to stay for the Branch meeting.

Yours sincerely

Ann Hazzard

2017 Online Registration and Fees

Posted on 27th September 2016 by John Hughes | Chairman

Following the Branch meeting on 25th September, there were a number of decisions which are worthy of highlighting for the benefit of those band who were not represented at the meeting.

* For the 2017 season, we will be moving forward with on-line entries for all Branch contests with the exception of the Indoors, and also payment of annual Branch/Education fees. It is hoped this will be up and running before the next Branch meeting on 30th October 2016.

* Our Branch Music Board representatives have asked for specific feedback on the playing criteria for Grade 3 bands as the World's. In order to garner this opinion, an email will be sent to the secretary of each of the Grade 3 bands in the Branch.

* The date of the Branch Indoor event has been confirmed as Saturday 1st April 2017. As per last year it will be mini-bands for Grade 4 & 3, and full band for Novice, Juvenile, Grade 2 and Grade 1. The winner of the adult solo drumming event will again qualify for the semi-final of the World Solo Drumming in 2017.

* Information on the AGM and the associated forms will be stored on the website and an email link to this will be sent to all band secretaries. If you have had a change of secretary, please let us know so that the information is sent to the right person. The onus is on the band to make the Branch Secretary aware of any changes. As per the above decision, we would remind all bands that they need to pay their annual fees on-line. Remember the discounted fee will apply up until the start of the AGM, and the higher fee will be payable after that point.

As you can see from the above points, there are important decision taken at these meetings which directly affect all bands and drive the direction of the Branch. It is therefore key that bands are represented so that your views are taken in to account. No point in complaining if you don't like something when you won't spend the time to get involved in making the decision.

Branch meetings are generally on the last Sunday of the month at 6pm and last no more than 90 minutes. The AGM is scheduled for Sunday 27th November 2016 at 3pm.

2016 Branch Champion of Champions

Posted on 10th September 2016 by John Hughes | Chairman

After the final contest of the 2016 branch season, please find below a link to the final branch champion of champions tables.

Click here for link

The file is in Excel format and will automatically download to your device.

World Pipe Band Championships 2016

Posted on 15th August 2016 by John Hughes | Chairman

Congratulations to all bands and Drum Major's who competed at this year's Worlds. Special mention for the following Branch bands who were in the prize list.

Novice B
4th - Lochgelly High School
Champion of Champions Band - Lochgelly High School
Champion of Champion Drums - Preston Lodge High School

Novice A
4th - George Watson's College
6th - George Heriot's School

Grade 4B
5th - Davidson's Mains & District

Grade 4A
4th - Burntisland & District

Grade Juvenile
Drums - George Watson's College
1st - George Watson's College
3rd - George Heriot's Schools
4th - Peoples Ford - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
5th - West Lothian Schools
6th - Preston Lodge High School Champion of Champions Band - George Watson's College
Champion of Champion Drums - George Watson's College

Grade 3B
2nd - Wallacestone & District
4th - Prestonpans RBL
Champion of Champions Band - Prestonpans RBL

Grade 1
6th - Police Scotland Fife

Particular congratulations to the Juvenile band of George Watson's College who regained their Juvenile World Champion crown and declared as 2016 Champion of Champions for both Band and Drums, Prestonpans RBL on their Grade 3B Band Champion of Champions, Lochgelly High School and Preston Lodge High School for their Champion of Champions in Juvenile B Band and Drums respectively.

April Indoor Solo Results

Posted on 16th April 2016 by John Hughes | Chairman

The first branch event of the 2016 season was held on Saturday 16th April. The top three placings in the solo events are shown below, the band events can be found by clicking here.

Event 1
1st Lauren Birrell - George Watson's College
2nd Conor Haughney - George Watson's College
3rd Fraser Hamilton - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate

Event 2
1st Rory McKay - George Watson's College
2nd Tom Sanderson - George Watson's College
3rd Simon Morley - Unattached

Event 3
1st Paul Christie - George Heriot's School
2nd Blair Scott - Preston Lodge High School
3rd Sam Addis - Preston Lodge High School

Event 4
1st Brodie Watson-Massey - George Heriot's School
2nd Luke Kennedy - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate
3rd Maxim Grieve - George Watson's College

Event 5
1st Lewis Russell - West Lothian Schools
2nd Alistair Hutcheon - George Watson's College
3rd Holly Freelander - City of Edinburgh

Event 6
1st Calum Watson - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate
2nd Jonathon Simpson - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate
3rd Ciaren Ross - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate

Event 7
1st Alexander Grieve - George Watson's College
2nd Ethan Henderson - Tranent and District
3rd Owen Hunter - George Watson's College

Event 8
No entries

Event 9
1st Kerr McQuillan - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate
2nd Rachel Fairley - George Heriot's School
3rd Keir Murray - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate

Event 10
1st Duncan Greenshields - George Watson's College
2nd James Strachan - George Watson's College
3rd Guy Kellas - George Watson's College

Event 11
1st Reed Cameron - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate
2nd Louis Bendle - George Watson's College
3rd Rachel Thom - West Lothian Schools

Event 12
1st Craig Brown - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate
2nd Lorna Heggie - Torphichen and Bathgae
3rd Simon Grant - Prestonpans RBL

Event 13
1st George Gilhooley - George Watson's College
2nd Rose Winchester - George Watson's College
3rd Melissa Parry - George Watson's College

Event 14
1st Holly Harrison - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate
2nd Rhiannan MacAleese - North Lanarkshire Schools
3rd Elizabeth Fraser - George Watson's College

Event 15
1st Rachel Davies City of Edinburgh

The first outdoor event of the season for the L&B Branch will be at Dunbar on 14th May.

March Branch Meeting Moved

Posted on 22nd March 2016 by John Hughes | Chairman

Please note the due to Easter Sunday the March branch meeting has been rescheduled and will now take place on Sunday 3rd April and will be held at:

Bellsquary Hall
EH54 9AA

Branch 2015 AGM Documents

Posted on 21st September 2015 by Ann Hazard | Secretary

The branch AGM will take place on 29th November 2015 at 3.00pm and will be held at:

Bellsquary Hall
EH54 9AA

Please find attached the files for the AGM pack including Cover Letter, Affiliation Fees 2015, Agenda and Elections. You can also read the minutes from the 2014 AGM.

May I also remind you that the Branch meetings are your chance to air your views, the elected committee are there to serve the bands it is up to you to attend meetings and let us know what you want.

The first Branch meeting of the season follows the AGM and will start at 5pm and will usually finish by 6pm.

Branch Champion of Champions Final Tables

Posted on 13th September 2015 by John Hughes | Chairman

After the completion of all branch contests the final champion of champions spreadsheet has been updated. Please remember that branch champions are the drum major, band and drum corps in each grade with the highest points total from the best 5 contests they participate in.

Click here to download the Excel file.

Edinburgh Contest Drum Majors Time Change

Posted on 20th August 2015 by John Hughes | Chairman

Please note the following time change for the Drum Majors event at the Edinburgh Contest on Saturday 22nd August.

In order to allow the Drum Majors to attend a funeral the Dress has been moved to 13:30

Outdoor Season Registration Checks

Posted on 12th May 2015 by John Hughes | Chairman

As intimated at the RSPBA AGM, the practice of checking band registrations at both Major and minor contests will continue this season.

Random sample checks were carried out at Kinross on Saturday and will be again at Dunbar this coming Saturday.

The feedback from the bands was very positive and seen as a way of ensuring their information was up to date prior to the first Major of the season.

So please ensure your registrations are up to date and that you carry a copy with you

Branch Indoor Feedback Requested

Posted on 30th April 2015 by John Hughes | Chairman

Following another very successful Branch Indoor contest on Saturday 28th March 2015 at The James Young High School in Livingston, I would like to thank all the stewards, compilers, adjudicators, branch committee, and all the catering and facilities staff at the school for all their help and support. And thanks to all the bands, competitors, and supporters for their continued support of this event.

This year we had well over 200 solo competitors and of the 20 bands entered, 16 played on the day.

This year we tried out the full band format as opposed to the mini-band format at the event, following requests from a number of bands for a full band event in the Branch.

We had quite a bit of feedback on the day around the full band v mini-band question. From the Novice and Juvenile bands there was 100% support for the full band format as it allows all of the young people who are ready for competition to have a run out with the band, rather than having to select only a few players.

However from the Grade 4 and Grade 3 band who attended, they favoured a return to the mini-band format. As we didn't have any Grade 2 or Grade 1 representation at the event, I'd be keen to hear their thoughts on which format works best for them.

So I'd be keen to get feedback from all of the Branch Bands on their thoughts for this event going forward.

At this point the Branch Committee are proposing to keep the full band format for the Novice and Juvenile grades, and the mini-band format for Grade 4 and Grade 3 for next year. The Grade 2 and Grade 1 format remains undecided until we get some feedback from the Branch bands in those grades.

Please feel free to come along to the Branch Meeting or provide some feedback through our Facebook page.

The final Branch meeting before the start of the season is on Sunday 26th April at 6pm in the Bellsquarry Community Hall.

Indoor Solo's And Full Band Results

Posted on 29th April 2015 by John Hughes | Chairman

The branch held their 2015 Solo Piping and Drumming events on Saturday 28th March at James Young High School in Livingston. For the first time the branch included a full band contest instead of a mini band contest.

With well over 200 Solo Performances and 16 full bands it was a busy day for everyone.

The summaries from the full band events are available here. There were 15 Solo Piping and Drumming Events, the top 3 places in each event went as follows:

Event 1 - Solo Chanter 10 Years & Under
1st Evan Hawkins - George Watson's College
2nd Cailean Campbell - Stow Scottish Borders
3rd Ewan Allan - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia

Event 2 - Solo Chanter 11 Years & Over
1st Evan Maciver - Peebles Ex-Servicemen's
2nd Jack Forbes - West Lothian Schools
3rd Alasdair Gemmell - Peebles Ex-Servicemen's

Event 3 - Solo Piping 14 Years & Under
1st Paul Christie - George Heriot's School
2nd Brodie Watson-Massey - George Heriot's School
3rd Erin Ritchiel - Preston Lodge High School

Event 4 - Junior Solo Piping 14 Years & Under
1st Lewis Russell - West Lothian Schools
2nd Ben Miller - West Lothian Schools
3rd Greig Will - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia

Event 5 - Solo Piping 15 - 18 Years
1st Alistair Hutcheon - George Watson's College
2nd Robert Kay - George Heriot's School
3rd Scott Young - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia

Event 6 - Solo Piping 18 Years & Over
1st Ciaren Ross - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia
2nd Emma Buchan - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia
3rd Greg Wilson - Simon Fraser University

Event 7 - Stick & Pad 10 Years & Under
1st James Thomson - Peebles Ex-Servicemen's
2nd Varun Ravikumar - George Heriot's Schools
3rd Megan Porteous - Davidson's Mains & District

Event 8 - Stick & Pad 11 Years & Over
1st Alexander Levi - George Watson's College
2nd Louis O'Brien - Davidson's Mains & District
3rd Sam Brown - Davidson's Mains & District

Event 9 - Snare Drum 14 Years & Under March
1st Struan Wallis - George Heriot's School
2nd Rachel Fairley - George Heriot's School
3rd Aaron Hall - Preston Lodge High School

Event 10 - Snare Drum 14 Years & Under MSR
1st James Strachan - George Watson's College
2nd Rachel Thom - West Lothian Schools
3rd Shawnisay Millar - Craigmount Caledonia

Event 11 - Snare Drum 15 - 18 Years MSR
1st Louis Bendle - George Watson's College
2nd Blair Logan - Preston Lodge High School
3rd Craig Baxter - Police Scotland Fife

Event 12 - Snare Drum Adult MSR
1st Gavin Orr - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia
2nd John Henderson - Scottish Power
3rd Lorna Heggie - Torphichen & Bathgate

Event 13 - Tenor Drum 14 Years & Under March
1st Lucy Carroll - West Lothian Schools
2nd Rachel MacMillan - George Watson's College
3rd Jamie Easton - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia

Event 14 - Tenor Drum 15 - 18 Year MSR
1st Lauran Thomson - Peoples Ford Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia
2nd Cameron Anderson - George Watson's College
3rd Morven Walker - Prestonpans RBL

Event 15 - Tenor Drum Adult
1st Shannon Brown - Denny and Dunipace Gleneagles
2nd Alan Townsend - Denny and Dunipace Gleneagles
3rd Michael Rutherford - Prestonpans RBL

Melrose cancelled for 2015

Posted on 29th April 2015 by John Hughes | Chairman

We regret to announce that the Melrose competition scheduled for 1st August 2015 has now been cancelled.

2015 Trophies | Return Process

Posted on 23rd January 2015 by John Hughes | Chairman

Following the Branch AGM, we have still been unable to secure someone to take up the post of Trophy Convenor.

As a result, it is now essential that we change the process for returning Branch Trophies.

As of now, all trophies will need to be returned to Branch Meetings or specific events.

The dates and venues are as follows

Sunday 25th January - Branch Meeting, Bellsquarry Community Hall, Bellsquarry, EH54 9AA at 6pm

Sunday 22nd February - Branch Meeting, Bellsquarry Community Hall, Bellsquarry, EH54 9AA at 6pm

Saturday 14th March - RSPBA Headquarters AGM, Glasgow

Saturday 28th March - Lothian and Branch Indoor Contest, The James Young High School, Livingston

Sunday 29th March - Branch Meeting, Bellsquarry Community Hall, Bellsquarry, EH54 9AA at 6pm

Sunday 26th April - Branch Meeting, Bellsquarry Community Hall, Bellsquarry, EH54 9AA at 6pm

Please note, that all trophies must be returned by Sunday 26th April at the latest, and must be clean and intact.

Failure to do so may result in a fine of £50 per trophy, and suspension from all RSPBA events until the trophy is returned and the fine paid.

John Hughes
Branch Chairman

2015 Pipers' Trail
Would You Like To Play In The Edinburgh Tattoo?

Posted on 11th January 2015 by John Hughes | Chairman

Following the huge success of The Pipers' Trail as part of the 2014 Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, we are now looking to extend the scheme.

Last year, we brought together a tremendous volunteer band of 27 pipers and drummers under Pipe Major Selwood to rehearse and perform for the whole of the Tattoo season in Edinburgh. They created a major impact. They integrated seamlessly with the team - over 250 pipers and drummers in established bands - were well turned out, expert in their foot drill and played to a splendid standard. Our own view of the band's performance and the judgement of the Director of Bagpipe Music were further reinforced in a number of hugely positive remarks in our audience feedback. This wonderful result have encouraged us to develop our vision and plans at pace.

The Massed Pipes and Drums that have played at the Tattoo to such tremendous effect for the last 65 years has traditionally been drawn from the United Kingdom's Armed Forces: the Scottish Regiments along with those with a Celtic tradition and the Royal Gurkha Rifles. This core capability has been beautifully reinforced by formed Pipes and Drums invited from amongst our friends and allies around the world; a wonderful selection of civilian bands and some schools and colleges. The mix has always worked elegantly and well, with everyone receiving the Tattoo pipe programme some months out and then coming together for a period of rehearsal in Edinburgh, before joining up with the rest of the cast for rehearsals in Redford Barracks and at the Castle.

The Pipers Trail was originally conceived in 2007 as an 'Army in Scotland' campaign to engage with the civil community. Over 4 years the scheme covered the length and breadth of Scotland visiting schools and communities encouraging an interest in the Great Highland Bagpipe, Highland Drumming and Dancing. Now, the project has been taken on by the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo with the same broad intentions but also to enable a wider community to participate in one of the world's greatest celebrations of pipe, drums and military music.

Development of The Pipers Trail was stimulated by a comment by a piper made in 2011: "I have been waiting all my life to march across the drawbridge with the Massed Pipes and Drums, playing as one."

This remark coupled with the Tattoo's desire to draw 'talented' pipers and drummers to the Massed Pipes and Drums led to our developing a scheme that would allow musicians, who may be linked or not linked to a formed band, to join in. With Scottish Government support, we equipped and uniformed a single file of pipers and drummers, with a Pipe Major, Drum Major and Base Drummer. The process of recruiting and auditioning volunteers, equipping and uniforming them, conducting practice and rehearsal was refined through the pilot and we are now looking to recruit a new and larger band for the 2015 season. This time, we are looking for 2 full files: 50 pipers and drummers in all!

Those pipers and drummers looking to be considered to take part in this unique musical experience should have a smart bearing and presence, be a capable musician and be prepared to practice and perform throughout the Tattoo period. The 2015 Tattoo will run over the period 2 - 29 August 2015 (including rehearsals). We are looking for pipers and drummers who can play to at least Grade 3 standard, with the ability to assimilate the 2015 Pipe and Drum score and take instruction. We are keen to encourage selected and talented younger players and are very keen to encourage participation from the international piping and drumming community.

Our theme this coming year is 'East Meets West' and looks to bring together performers from China, India, Russia, Europe, the United States and South America. We have invited formed pipe bands from Australia, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand and the USA. The Pipers' Trail band will join this huge array to form a singular band of nearly 250 musicians.

With the continuing support of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association, The National Piping Centre, The College of Piping and the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming. The vision is to increase the proficiency and reach of The Pipers Trail to deliver a formidable piping and drumming capability for public performance in Scotland and around the world. This year, we are also looking to build a database that can be developed to offer further opportunities to perform at other events in Scotland and around the world.

Those interested should email applications to: The email should be accompanied with a CV and some evidence of playing standard. If formal qualifications are unavailable, applicants may provide a reference from a Pipe Major of an established Band. Applications will close on 28 February 2015.

Successful candidates will be provided with Full Dress uniform and the necessary tuition in foot drill, turnout, musicianship and the opportunity to join 250 other pipers and drummers as part of the Massed Pipes and Drums. The Band will perform each evening in front of a live international audience of 8,800 each evening - a total of 220,000 during the season and a further 100 - 300 million on television around the World! Over half of all available tickets to the 2015 Show were sold on the first day tickets went on sale!

Brigadier David Allfrey MBE
Chief Executive and Producer, The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Indoor Solo's And Mini Bands Success

Posted on 30th April 2014 by John Hughes | Chairman

The branch held their 2014 Solo Piping, Solo Drumming and Mini Band events on Saturday 29th March at James Young High School in Livingston.

With 261 Solo Performances and 64 mini bands it was a busy day for everyone.

Pictured opposite is Mark Hastings from Denny and Dunipace Gleneagles on his way to winning the Adult Drumming.

The summaries from the mini band events are available here. There were 16 Solo Piping and Drumming Events, the top 3 places in each event went as follows:

Event 1 - Solo Chanter 10 Years & Under
1st Nina Whitaker - George Watson's College
2nd Evan McIver - Peebles Ex-Servicemen RBL
3rd Harry Scott - Hawick

Event 2 - Solo Chanter 11 Years & Over
1st Iain Pennykid - West Lothian Schools
2nd Jamie Boothman - George Watson's College
3rd Gaku Hirook - West Lothian Schools

Event 3 - Solo Piping 14 Years & Under
1st Bruce Gardner - George Heriot's School
2nd Christopher Happs - George Heriot's School
3rd Cameron McGill - George Heriot's School

Event 4 - Junior Solo Piping 14 Years & Under
1st Ben Muir - Preton Lodge High School
2nd James Miller - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
3rd Lewis Russell - West Lothian Schools

Event 5 - Solo Piping 15 - 18 Years
1st Josh Marsh - City of Edinburgh
2nd Andrew Hutton - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
3rd Ciaren Ross - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia

Event 6 - Solo Piping 18 Years & Under
1st Amy Sarah Low - Torphichen & Bathgate
2nd Andtew Hutton - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
3rd Ciaren Ross - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia

Event 7 - Solo Piping 18 Years & Over
1st Calum Watson - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
2nd Ross Miller - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
3rd Lachie Dick - City of Edinburgh

Event 8 - Stick & Pad 10 Years & Under
1st Jack McGill - George Watson's College
2nd Anna Dickson - West Lothian Schools
3rd Lauren Rimmer - Torphichen & Bathgate

Event 9 - Stick & Pad 11 Years & Over
1st Faizaan Ali - George Watson's College
2nd Dylan Brown - George Watson's College
3rd Sam Blood - George Watson's College

Event 10 - Snare Drum 14 Years & Under March
1st James Strachan - George Watson's College
2nd Struan Wallis - George Heriot's School
3rd Nathan Stringer - George Heriot's School

Event 11 - Snare Drum 14 Years & Under MSR
1st Georgia Parry - George Watson's College
2nd Matthew Burgoyne - Stirling & District School
3rd Oliver Gardner - George Heriot's School

Event 12 - Snare Drum 15 - 18 Years MSR
1st Cameron Spence - George Watson's College
2nd Daniel Luby - Police Scotland Fife
3rd Iain Kay - George Heriot's School

Event 13 - Snare Drum Adult MSR
1st Mark Hastings - Denny & Dunipace Gleneagles
2nd Callum Firth - Torphichen & Bathgate
3rd Julie Firth - Torphichen & Bathgate

Event 14 - Tenor Drum 14 Years & Under March
1st Rebecca Symonds - George Watson's College
2nd Cameron Anderson - George Watson's College
3rd Holly Harrison - West Lothian Schools

Event 15 - Tenor Drum 15 - 18 Year MSR
1st Morag Taylor - Torphichen & Bathgate
2nd Lauren Thomson - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
3rd Lisa Thomson - George Watson's College

Event 16 - Tenor Drum Adult
1st Stuart Williamson - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
2nd Joanna Fairbairn - Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia
3rd Alan Townsend - Police Scotland Fife

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Branch Dates

26 January 25Branch Meeting
23 February 25Branch Meeting
30 March 24Branch Meeting
27 April 24Branch Meeting

Contact Us

For all competition entries and registrations please contact branch secretary Susan Starr

Address:4b Chester Square
 EH22 5DN
Telephone:07527 949 301
E-mail: Email Susan

Social Media