Following the Branch AGM on Sunday 26th November, I am pleased to confirm the following:
Office HeldName
Branch PresidentJohn Hughes
Branch ChairpersonStewart Orr
Vice ChairpersonAlex Dalziel
Branch DirectorStewart Orr
Branch DirectorDenis Johnstone
Branch TreasurerLesley Anne Riad
Branch SecretaryAnn Hazzard
Branch Trophy ConvenorBrain Watt
Music Board (Piping)Iain Simpson
Music Board (Drumming)Mick O'Neill
As intimated previously, this year has brought to an end my period as Branch Chairperson. Having taken over from George Purves in 2003, I hope that I have continued to build the visibility of the Branch and added some value to proceedings along the way.
I would like to thank all involved with the Branch over the years for their help and support, and I certainly intend to be around to offer any support and encouragement your new Chairperson may need, especially in their first year of office.
It’s been hard work at some times over the years, but I have enjoyed it, and now it’s time for someone else to take it forward.
Following the sad loss earlier in the year of our Branch President Bill McMorran, the Branch have kindly asked me to pick up this role, and I look forward to promoting the Branch at every opportunity.
We unfortunately lost both Bill McMorran, and immediate past Branch Chairman George Purves this year. As a Branch, we owe a debt of gratitude to these two gentlemen, as without them, this Branch would not be where it is. So our heartfelt thanks, thoughts, and prayers are with their families.
Best Regard
John Hughes
Branch President