Results by Contest

These Summary Sheets are the property of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association and should not be reproduced in whole or part without prior written permission

« Results Selector « Contest Selector « Band Selector

Grade Nov A Grade 4B Grade 4A Grade Juv Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 MSR Grade 1

Contest: North Berwick
Date: Saturday 5th August
Grade: 2
Piping Adjudicator 1: J McCarlie
Piping Adjudicator 2: K Eller
Drumming Adjudicator: B Black
Ensemble Adjudicator: G Lawrie

Band Actual
1 Place
2 Place
Total Final
The Glasgow Skye Association 2 3 1 1 1 6 1
Lomond and Clyde 2 1 3 2 3 9 2
St Thomas Alumni - U.S.A. 2 2 2 4 2 10 3
The Pipe Band Club - Australia 2 4 6 3 4 17 4
St Andrews - Australia 2 8 4 7 5 24 5
The College of Piping (Summerside) - Canada 2 9 7 6 6 28 6 EP
George Watson's College - Juvenile Juv 6 8 5 9 28 7
George Heriot's School Juv 5 9 9 7 30 8
Hamilton Police - Canada 3A 10 5 8 8 31 9
West Lothian Schools Juv 7 10 13 10 40 10
Wallacestone and District 3A 11 12 10 11 44 11
Governor MaQuarie Memorial- Australia 3A 14 11 11 13 49 12
Lochmaben Royal Burgh 3A 12 14 12 12 50 13
Stockbridge 3A 13 13 14 14 54 14

Branch Contests

26 January 25Branch Meeting
23 February 25Branch Meeting
30 March 24Branch Meeting
27 April 24Branch Meeting

Contact Us

For all competition entries and registrations please contact branch secretary Susan Starr

Address:4b Chester Square
 EH22 5DN
Telephone:07527 949 301

Social Media