To all Lothian & Borders Bands, There is no doubt that this has been a difficult year for many if not all of us, and it looks like it’s not over yet. Having lost all of the 2020 season was a disappointment to us all.
At this point in time, we are still hopeful of a season of some sort next year, but at present we do not yet know what that will look like. However, as in previous years, we need to start preparing now for the coming season. We will be having discussions with our Branch Contest promoters shortly to see how they are positioned. They too have their challenges as it is likely that there will still be restrictions in place for mass gatherings next year, as well as a number of specific and detailed guidelines that will need to be followed.
As a result, at last month’s Branch meeting, the Committee unanimously agreed that the Registration fees paid to the Branch for the 2019/2020 year will be carried forward to this year 2020/21. The Committee felt that this would help the branch bands offset the very necessary cost of RSPBA Registration. The online entry system has been updated to reflect this position.
Please ensure that your band information is up to date and accurate, as it is likely we will need to communicate with you more through email and social media in the short to medium term. Please advise any changes to the secretary via the Contact - Page.
The way forward is still unclear due to Covid 19 but we will do all that we can, and will be working closely with our promoters of the Branch contests for the 2020/21 season.
Best regards
John Hughes
Branch President
Band Fees 2020/21
Posted on 16th October 2020 by John Hughes | President
Peebles 2020 CANCELLED
Posted on 16th May 2020 by John Hughes | President
As a result of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, the committee of Peebles Highland Games Association have decided to take the difficult but necessary decision to cancel this year’s event which was due to take place on Saturday 5th September.
Whilst we know that this decision will be disappointing for many, we feel it is the correct one to make in the interests of protecting the safety of the local community, competitors, spectators and officials many of whom travel from far and wide to come to Peebles.
Chris Patterson, Chairman of Peebles Highland Games Association said “It’s been a very difficult decision to make. Having cancelled the Games in 2013 whist the drainage issues in Hay Lodge Park were being addressed we had hoped the Games wouldn’t need to be cancelled again for a very long time. However, the ongoing threat from Covid-19 to the wellbeing of our community, visitors and volunteers has meant that we have to put safety at the forefront of our considerations and call-off the Games for 2020”.
Being one of the last events in the annual Highland Games calendar we had hoped that we might still be able to stage the Games in some shape or form. When considering our options we were well aware that many pipe bands, dancers, heavies and spectators were desperately hoping that they might yet have an event to attend this year. However, the recent updates on the continued spread of Covid-19, travel restrictions and social distancing instructions from the Scottish and UK Governments have confirmed that this will not now be possible.
We know the Games are one of the highlights of the year for many people and an event which many make plans for well in advance. We share your disappointment at this news but hope that all our supporters stay safe and well until the treat posed by the virus has passed.
Peebles Highland Games will still be here next year when we look forward to welcoming you back to Hay Lodge Park on the banks of the silvery Tweed in heart of the rolling hills of the Borders.
Peebles Highland Games will return on Saturday 4th of September 2021.
John Hughes
Branch President
Branch Meeting CANCELLED
Posted on 13th April 2020 by John Hughes | President
Folks, due to the continuing COVID-19 Restrictions, we will be unable to hold our Branch Meeting scheduled for Sunday 26th April 2020.
As a result, our next L&B Branch meeting will be at 6pm on Sunday 27th September 2020... all being well!
If anything urgent crops up I will contact the committee via email.
Keep safe & well..
John Hughes
Branch President
Ann Hazzard
Posted on 31st March 2020 by John Hughes | President
Folks, just received the sad news that Ann Hazzard passed away on Monday 30th March 2020.
Ann was our Branch Secretary for many years and was a key member of the Branch Committee.
She will be sadly missed by all.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Peter and the family.
John Hughes
Branch President
Bridge of Allan 2020 CANCELLED
Posted on 29th March 2020 by John Hughes | President
Following the recent government announcement surrounding the COVID 19 pandemic, the Directors of the Bridge of Allan Highland Games have taken the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Games.
The health, safety and wellbeing of all our guests, competitors, and staff has to be our number one priority, so it is only right for us to follow all government advice.
It is also our responsibility to protect the legacy of the Games so that we are in a position to come back bigger and better, and ready to make Bridge of Allan Highland Games the premier games in 2021. We know this is disappointing news, but we thank you whole heartedly for your support, and look forward to welcoming you all with open arms next year.
Stay healthy, keep in touch via our Website, Facebook and Instagram pages, look after your families and communities around you, and we’ll see you for the 170th Bridge of Allan Highland Games
All entry fees will be refunded by the Branch for these contests.
John Hughes
Branch President
North Berwick 2020 CANCELLED
Posted on 26th March 2020 by John Hughes | President
The games will not take place this year due to the Corona Virus pandemic.
We have regrettably had to take this decision in keeping with many others at this time due to the practicalities and uncertainties that we face.
Please keep safe everyone and see you in 2021.
All entry fees will be refunded by the Branch for these contests.
John Hughes
Branch President
Posted on 28th March 2020 by John Hughes | President
In response to the revised Government guidelines regarding COVID-19, we have closed our Headquarters building at 45 Washington Street in Glasgow to safeguard our staff, members, and volunteers.
Although our Scottish (25th July) and World (14th /15th August) Championships are still on the calendar at this point in time, we are liaising closely with the promoters of these events West Dunbartonshire Council and Glasgow Life respectively. We are meeting on-line weekly with Glasgow Life to review the situation regarding the Worlds and will advise as soon as any decisions are made.
If you have any trophies still to be returned for any of this year's Major Championships, please keep hold of these for the time being.
In these trying times we must all do our part to minimise the spread of Coronavirus. Please make sure you keep your friends and family safe and follow the guidelines issued by the Government and health professionals.
RSPBA Board of Directors
Dunbar, Innerleithen and Edinburgh 2020 CANCELLED
Posted on 18th March 2020 by John Hughes | President
In response to the current Coronavirus outbreak (CoVid-19) and in line with national guidance from the Scottish Government, the Lothian & Borders Branch of the RSPBA, in conjunction with our various partners, have taken the decision to cancel all of our outdoor contests during May and June 2020.
As a result, the following contests are cancelled:
- Dunbar Pipe Band Contest which was due to take place on Saturday 16 May 2020.
- Innerleithen contest scheduled for Saturday 6 June 2020.
- Edinburgh Pipe Band Championships due to take place on Sunday 21st June 2020.
All entry fees will be refunded by the Branch for these contests.
John Hughes
Branch President
Lothian & Borders Indoors 2020 POSTPONED
Posted on 13th March 2020 by John Hughes | President
In light of the recent outbreak of the Novel Corona Virus COVID-19 we have decided in the interest of public health and safety to postpone the event including the RSPBA Adult World Solo Drumming Qualifier until a later date.
The event will now be scheduled to take place later in the year once the situation has improved and restrictions have been lifted.
All entry fees received so far will be refunded in full and cheques returned or destroyed.
We hope that you can understand the reason behind this and that at this time the health and safety of the competitors, judges, spectators and support staff is extremely important.
John Hughes
Branch President
RSPBA AGM Scheduled for 14th March 2020 POSTPONED
Posted on 13th March 2020 by John Hughes | President
The RSPBA Annual General Meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday 14th March 2020, in Glasgow, has been postponed due to the escalating coronavirus situation. The decision to postpone was taken after the Board of Directors considered in detail the advice of both local and national government agencies and is intended to minimise the potential health risk to our membership.
We know and appreciate that our members from across the UK will be disappointed by this late notification, however we have been working to assess the risk from a situation which continues to change rapidly. In the circumstances we believe the right thing to do for our membership is to postpone.
The RSPBA heed all government health advice. Branches and bands are also asked to re-assess all activities during the period of the current pandemic in the interest of the wellbeing of all band members and supporters.
The RSPBA will continue to be vigilant about coronavirus and will of course follow all advice from Health Protection Scotland. We will advise the membership of a new date for the AGM once the situation has improved and restrictions have been lifted.
John Hughes
Branch President
2020 Online Entries Now Open
Posted on 09th February 2020 by John Hughes | President
Online entries now open for 2020 competitions
We are pleased to announce that our online entries for bands and drum majors are now open via our Online Entries page.
Any band who has not yet paid there 2020 fees can pay these along with their entries.
John Hughes
Branch President
Page 1 of 5 « 2020 2019 Archive 2018 Archive 2017 Archive 2016 Archive »
Next Event
- L&B Branch Meeting
Previous Minutes
23th February
Start Time 18:00
Meeting will be online via Zoom
Latest Information
- Band Summaries 07th Sept - Peebles
- DM Summaries 04th Aug - Bridge of Allan
- Draw07th Sept - Peebles
- Solos 01st Apr - Solo Drumming
01st Apr - Solo Results - Branch Minutes26th November 2023
- AGM Minutes26th November 2023
2024 Branch Roll of Honour
- British Champions
Grade 1 Band Peoples Ford Boghall and
Bathgate Caledonia
Grade 3B Band Burntisland and District
Grade 4A Drum Tweedvale
Grade 4B Band 2 Scots Pipes, Drums & Bugles
Juvenile Band George Watson's College - Juvenile
Juvenile Drum George Watson's College - Juvenile
Novice A Drum George Watson's College
Novice B Drum Burntisland and District
- United Kingdom Champions
Juvenile Drum George Watson's College - Juvenile
- European Champions
Grade 1 Drum Peoples Ford Boghall and
Bathgate Caledonia
Grade 4B Band 2 Scots Pipes, Drums & Bugles
Juvenile Band George Watson's College - Juvenile
Juvenile Drum George Watson's College - Juvenile
Novice A Band George Watson's College
Novice A Drum George Watson's College
Novice B Drum Burntisland and District
- Scottish Champions
Grade 3B Band Burntisland and District
Grade 3B Drum Burntisland and District
Grade 4A Band Tweedvale
Grade 4A Drum Tweedvale
Juvenile Band George Watson's College - Juvenile
Juvenile Drum George Watson's College - Juvenile
Novice A West Lothian Schools
Novice A Drum West Lothian Schools
- World Champions
Juvenile George Watson's College - Juvenile
Juvenile Drum George Watson's College - Juvenile
Novice A Band George Watson's College
Novice A Drum George Watson's College
Novice B Drum Burntisland and District